Need a ride or in a hurry?

If so, use the JauGuru app to easily and promptly book a ride.

Make your daily life easier and convenient

For that, reach your destination without any hassle with JauGuru

Simplify Your Everyday Journey

Give Your Time Value! Why Wait at bus stand when you can get a ride at your door step.


JauGuru aims to simplify your everyday journey by enabling users to connect with the service partner for the sole purpose of providing rides or making deliveries. JauGuru is entirely made from scratch in Nepal by our brilliant developers. We have various options to get you to your destination. Pick a ride based on your preferences and price range.

What we serve you

Experience the power in your hand

Book anytime, anywhere

One app for all your transportation need


Download the app now!

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Our recent blogs and News

 Behind Jeff Bezos and Bernard Arnault tussling to be the world’s richest person lies a bigger issue

The Registration process is complete after the following steps: Register To sign up, download the JauGuru app from the Google Play store and fill in the necessary details, including required documents.  Enter your first name: Enter your last name:  Enter Email: Enter Password: Confirm password: Select area: Enter referral code (if any): Put a tick […]

 Behind Jeff Bezos and Bernard Arnault tussling to be the world’s richest person lies a bigger issue

We often wish someone would give us a ride across the city when we need to reach somewhere quickly or when we want to visit a town far from home but have no transportation available.  Now our wish has come true with JauGuru. Don’t have transport available; No Worries! You can travel with the JauGuru […]

 Behind Jeff Bezos and Bernard Arnault tussling to be the world’s richest person lies a bigger issue

JauGuru provides a full range of app-based services, including ride-sharing, logistics, jeep hire, etc. JauGuru aims to simplify the everyday journey by enabling users to connect with the service partner for the sole purpose of providing rides or making deliveries. Nowadays, many people rely on ride-sharing as a substantial source of income. They can also […]